Monday, 19 August 2019

The West Yorkshire and Humber ePAD Project

The contribution of the University of Hull, specifically represented by Tony Chambers is include in a recent article:

Dr Sarah Burden talks about the West Yorkshire & Humber ePad project

This project outlines the approach taken by the West Yorkshire & Humber (WY&H) assessment group, a collaboration of five universities- Bradford, Huddersfield, Hull, Leeds, Leeds Beckett, to the development and implementation of a shared Electronic Practice Assessment Document (ePAD) to support competence assessment of undergraduate pre-registration nursing students across all fields of practice (Learning disabilities, mental Health, Child Nursing, Adult Nursing).

For further information on the project contact:
Sarah Burden
Reader in Learning & Teaching, Leeds Beckett University

Fiona Meth
Senior Lecturer, Academic Practice Lead: Pre-Registration Nursing, Leeds Beckett University

Melanie A Robbins
Professional Lead for Nursing (Child), University of Leeds

Anthony Chambers
Practice Learning Educator / Mobility & Placements Coordinator, University of Hull ;

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