Thursday 30 April 2020

PhD success Haya Aleshaiwy

We are delighted to announce that Haya Aleshaiwy has successfully passed her PhD subject to amendments. Haya's thesis, entitled "Social Work Practitioner's Experiences of Working in Child Protection in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" was examined by Liz Walker, Professor of Social Work in Faculty of Health Sciences and Dr Bernard Gallagher, Reader in Department of Behavioural and Social Sciences at University of Huddersfield. Haya is pictured (bottom right) at the end of her viva with Professor Mark Hayter (Chair; top left), the examiners and her supervisors, Dr Barbara Elliott (bottom right) and Dr Karin Cooper (middle bottom).

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Timely Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia Care

Timely Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia Care Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Edited by Jill Manthorpe and Esme Moniz-Cook
This new edited volume seeks to meet the growing need for ways to support people with dementia across the whole course and trajectory of dementia care, with a wide scope of expertise. The book addresses how practitioners and carers can apply psychosocial interventions - which take into consideration the individual, social and environmental aspects of a person’s life - across this trajectory, right from the earliest stages through to practice in care home settings. Divided into four sections, each covers a different context in which people with dementia can be supported: at home; in community settings; family and carer support; and those in care homes and hospitals. In addition, there is a distinct focus throughout on evidence-based practice and its implementation in real-world settings. This book is essential reading for any practitioner and caregiver wanting to support people with dementia.