Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Report from the 6th British International Autoethnography Conference 22nd-23rd July, Bristol

Tim Beuscher writes:

Chris Westoby presents
The theme this year was activism, social justice and collaboration. Delegates came from all over the UK, Bangladesh, the USA, Norway, Denmark, representing disciplines across health, the arts, humanities, social sciences, computer science, sport. Presentations and performances took many forms, including sketching, song, theatre, poetry and film. 

This year, Hull University had double representation with Chris Westoby performing his work “narrative’s power to educate and inspire open discourse about mental health” and Tim Buescher on the organising committee as well as performing “a shared silence”.

The committee and guests
The committee have agreed to run the conference again next year at Bristol harbourside. For those interested in trying out or finding out more about writing for and about the self, the next “What about me?” group for writing about the self/ autoethnography will take place on 29th August, 13:00-15:00, venue TBC.

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