Wednesday, 23 October 2019

NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) grant success for Prof. Anthony Maraveyas and Dr. Leonid Nikitenko

Professor Maraveyas and Dr. Nikitenko have been successful in obtaining the NIHR grant to support Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) in Clinical Oncology at ST1 under the Cancer Genomics and Bio(medical) informatics theme.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the main research areas of expertise of Professor Maraveyas and his team. This is an exciting opportunity for the Fellow to work on molecular pathways in pancreatic tissue that reflect the early changes during carcinogenesis and translate findings from our in silico and in vitro studies of molecular mechanisms of perineural invasion of pancreatic cancer. Dr. Leonid Nikitenko, Professor Maraveyas and six other academics from the Faculty of Health Sciences pioneered the introduction of a Bioinformatics pipeline/platform in the field of medical genomics in Hull by establishing a Health*GDP-Health Global Data Pipeline for biomedical research and clinical applications, with an interdisciplinary PhD Cluster (three students). The Fellow will therefore have an immediate immersive experience in pancreatic cancer research, and join other early career researchers working in this area, using next generation sequencing (NGS), including RNAseq and whole genome sequencing (WGS) – and bio(medical)informatics analysis. This will provide a project that can lead to a PhD for the ACF. Together with exposure to an on-going NIHR portfolio of multi-centre clinical research, the Fellow will receive comprehensive training and support in becoming a clinical investigator, including through the project in informatics that will guide cancer treatment in the immediate future. The Fellow will gain experience in human cell and cancer biology research, genomic and bio(medical)informatics analysis through this and the wider body of work of the group. The Fellow will be supported to present their research in both national and international conferences.

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