Friday, 18 December 2015

Clinical Psychology end of placement posters

Dr Anjula Gupta
Clinical Tutor

The Clinical Psychology Programme celebrated the end of the first placement for the fourth years yesterday by holding a poster presentation event in the Nidd Building. The Community Psychology placement is the only placement that is provided by third sector services in Hull. The placement period is six weeks and trainees are on placement for three days a week. During this six weeks the trainees also receive Community and Critical psychology teaching and are involved in weekly reflective practice groups and individual supervision sessions. The aim of the placement and these forums is to support the development of skills and knowledge in the theory base of Community and Critical Psychology, reflective practice skills, personal and professional development.
Trainees were required to design a poster that shared their reflections on and experiences of the placement and to think about this from a Community Psychology perspective. Placement mentors, Faculty colleagues and colleagues from the Psychology programme joined the trainees and Clinical Psychology Programme course team at the poster presentation. The event was vibrant, lively and thought provoking and brought together key partners that we have developed with communities in Hull over the last three years. It was an enjoyable day and a fitting end to the placement. Many thanks to our placement providers and all the work done by the trainees on some spectacular posters.

Faculty colleagues - research project success

Dr Time Alexander
Colleagues may be interested to see the University Web page for the research project “Access to mental health services: Exploring the barriers and facilitators to helping Hull’s distressed young peoplebeing a multi-disciplinary team led by Dr Jo Bell (School of Social Sciences) with Dr Judith Dyson, Dr Tim Alexander, Dr Annette Schlosser (Department of Psychological Health and Well-being). Professor Marie Reid (Department of Psychology) and David Smith (Hull and East Yorkshire MIND).
Dr Annette Schlosser

Dr Judith Dyson

Dr Judith Dyson PhD RN TUF

Well done Judith,

You are our Tidy Up Friday Winner....CONGRATS! J

Please print this off and stick it on your desk with PRIDE

Many thanks,


Thursday, 17 December 2015

Season's Greetings

Good news on scholarships for the faculty

Dear Colleagues

I am writing to announce the results of this year’s University-funded PhD scholarship competition. Thank you for your patience in waiting slightly longer than usual for the outcomes to be communicated to Faculties.

As you will know,  the allocation process changed this year, in favour of a new bidding procedure, with no prior allocations to Faculties. It was a tough competition, with some excellent submissions, and inevitably some areas fared better than others.  I am pleased to say that the Faculty of  Health and Social Care was awarded 3x PhD scholarships and one PDRA (band 7) for the cluster PoWER 360: Programme for Women Achieving Excellence in Research.  Congratulations to everyone involved!
I should be grateful if you could arrange for this news to be disseminated to the successful bidders.  I would be happy to feed back to those whose bids were unsuccessful on this occasion.

Each of these studentships will need to be ready for advertising shortly. If they have not been already, each project should be carefully defined, so that applicants have a clear sense of what the studentship entails. We are hoping to be able to advertise before the Christmas break. Colleagues should liaise with Dr Nigel Shaw in the Graduate School about this process.

Please let me know if you have any queries about any part of this process.

All good wishes,

Valerie Sanders
Graduate School

Friday, 11 December 2015

Scholarship success for Faculty

Dr Judith Dyson
Dr Fiona Cowdell
Judith Dyson, Fiona Cowdell, Peter Draper and Lesley Gratrix in collaboration with colleagues in other faculties have been successful in the recent scholarship competition and have been awarded three PhD studentships and a band 7 postdoctoral researcher for the PoWER 360 programme of research; to understand the barriers to women achieving excellence in research, to understand the lived experiences and sense of well-being of men and women in academia and the perceived value of Athena SWAN to both researchers and senate level university executives. 
Rev Dr Peter Draper

Lesley Gratrix

Friday, 4 December 2015

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

New publication by Janet Kelly

Janet Kelly has published:
Dr Janet Kelly

Kelly J (2015) Following professional codes of practice and military orders in austere military environments: a controversial debate on ethical challenges Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 161, Supp 1 i10-i12