Wednesday, 22 July 2015

New publication by David Barrett

David Barrett has published:
David Barrett

Barrett D (2015) Systematic review summary - Media-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy and behavioural therapy (self-help) for anxiety disorders in adults. Singapore Nursing Journal, 42, 39-40

Editorial by Judith Dyson

Dr Judith Dyson
In her role as as an Associate Editor, Judith has written:

Dyson J (2015) Hand hygiene and human factors Journal of Infection Prevention 16, 144

Annette Schlosser on Channel 4

Annette Schlosser was involved in the making of a channel 4 dispatches documentary:  Kids in crisis
Dr Annette Schlosser

aimed at helping to help raise awareness of child mental health issues and services. Children are being placed in units many miles away from their home, adding to their distress and vulnerability. Cuts to child mental health services mean that thresholds to access services are being raised,  while staff groups decrease. Locally, Alan Johnson is campaigning to reopen Westend, the former Hull residential unit that closed around three years ago.

Monday, 20 July 2015

New publication by Jackie Hutchinson

Jackie Hutchinson has published:
Jackie Hutchinson

J.S. Hutchison (2015) Scandals in health-care: their impact on health policy and nursingNursing Inquiry.  DOI: 10.1111/nin.1211

New publication by Fiona Cowdell

Thursday, 9 July 2015

EU project involving Faculty colleagues: report published

David Barrett a member of the project team says: 

'The findings from the EU ACT project have just been published. This was a project looking at the use of telehealth and coordinated care services across five European regions. Joanne Hatfield and I were leading on the staff engagement work package and our report (deliverable 8) can be found at in the ‘public deliverables’ section.'

Speaker confirmation for Dr Janet Kelly

Janet will be speaking on

Thursday 5th November 2015, 13.55-14.25
Session title: Ethical considerations for defence nurses

RCN Defence Nursing Forum and Ethics Committee Workshop
Doing the right thing on a difficult day

Thursday 5th November 2015
RCN headquarters, London

Congratulations to Benita Wiison

Benita Wilson has been elected:

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Book chapter co-authored by Jennifer Loke and Mary Laurenson

Jennifer Loke and Mary Laurenson have co-authored:
Dr Jennifer Loke
Dr Mary Laurenson

Loke, J. C. F., Lee, B. K., Lim, D. K. H., Laurenson, M. (2015)Caring: a useful tool to embed sustainability concepts into nursing education. In  Amzat. I. H., Yusuf. B (eds). Fast-forwarding higher education institutions for global challenges - perspective and approaches. Singapore: Springer.