Thursday, 27 February 2014

New publication by Lesley Glover and Julie Jomeen

Lesley Glover and Julie Jomeen have co-authored:

Lesley Glover
Julie Jomeen
Glover, L, Jomeen J, Urquhart T, Martin, CR (2014) Puerperal Psychosis - A qualitative study of women’s experiences. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. Available at:

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Publication in Lancet

Professors Alvisa Palese and Roger Watson have co-authored a Comment in The Lancet:

Palese A, Watson R (2014) Nurse staffing and education in Europe: if not now, when? The Lancet doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60188-4

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Annual report: international activities


Roger Watson, Professor of Nursing

International activity is very important to the Faculty and that includes students and staff and involves both outgoing and incoming activities.  Jeremy Jolley is the Faculty’s International Co-ordinator.

In the academic year including 2013, 22 of our students have visited other countries including Barbados, Nepal, Oman, Singapore, India and Uganda and 22 students visited the Faculty from Spain, Taiwan, Singapore, Finland, India, Oman, Sweden and the USA.  In addition, we have 36 international students studying in the Faculty and they come from Australia, Brunei, China, Cyprus, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Malta, Nigeria, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Tanzania, Uganda and the USA.  International academic visitors have come from Canada, Singapore, South Africa and Sweden.

Staff have been actively engaged in international travel with work in Europe (Finland, Italy, Ireland, Sweden), Far East (Hong Kong, China and Taiwan); India, Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain), North America (Canada and the USA), South Africa and South East Asia (Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand).

Sunday, 23 February 2014

New publication by Nicky Credland

Nicky Credland has published:
Nick Credland

Credland N (2014) Interpreting Blood Results – Urea and Electrolytes Dermatological Nursing 13:1, 22-25

Monday, 17 February 2014

New publication by Mark Hayter

Mark HAyter
Professor Mark Hayter has co-authored:

Chang Y-T, Hayter M, Lin M-L (2014) Chinese Adolescents' Attitudes Toward Sexual Relationships and Premarital Sex: Implications for Promoting Sexual Health The Journal of School Nursing doi: 10.1177/1059840514520996

Thursday, 13 February 2014

More Faculty staff to present at STTI conference in Sweden

Yvonne Needham and Mary Beadle 
Yvonne Needham
Mary Beadle
Have had a poster and a presentation accepted at the:

2ndEuropean Regional Conference, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), held at the Wallenberg Conference Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden, 16 – 18 June, 2014 as follows:

Mary Beadle and Yvonne Needham Collaboration with service users to develop reusable learning objects: The ROOT to success (poster)

Yvonne Needham Empower nurses to effectively detect poor vision in older people in order to improve their health and well being (oral presentation)

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Annual Report extract: External Engagement

Sue Beacock, Associate Dean
Sue Beacock

2013 has been an exciting year for the external engagement team. We have been involved in several key developments in the Faculty and with our partners and others externally.  The biggest internal change has come in terms of admissions with the development of the team of admissions tutors for the pre-qualifying programmes. We now have Sheila Wright as overall admissions co-ordinator; Benita Wilson for the adult field; Lolita Alfred for mental health; Mary Dearing for learning disabilities and Jackie Wright for children. Nicky Clarke is continuing her role for midwifery as is Paul Jeffries for Operating Department Practitioners. In November we welcomed the admissions staff for SSPRD into the Faculty meaning that the process of applying for our post qualifying courses is more streamlined and there is a single point of contact within the Faculty.

With the development of Health Education Yorkshire and Humber (HEEY&H) and the associate local training and education board as our commissioners, we have had a clear steer in the direction of the Faculty portfolio. With the support of our partners, we have developed a new approach to the structure and delivery of our Specialist Skills – Post Registration Development (SSPRD, formerly Continuing Professional Development) provision

With new and flexible frameworks for both the Masters and Associate Practitioners we are now able to align professional development to the needs identified by the NHS and other providers.  One example of this development is the MSc in Advanced Practice where this year we have worked with two provider National Health Service Trusts to tailor a programme to meet the needs of advanced clinical practitioner roles. The MSc Health Studies framework now has stepping off points at post graduate certificate and diploma levels enabling us to work with students and their managers to develop specific skills as they relate to practice areas, examples of developments being critical care, mental health dementia and  long terms conditions. The masters has a naming process allowing for student determined awards depending on the pathway being undertaken.

Supporting clinical and service areas in workforce issues and development is becoming a strong feature in the Faculty and we are developing new ways of such joint working such as agreeing an annual SSPRD plan with some partner organisations and this is something we are hoping to build on.  This year we have also developed an extended portfolio in terms of specific and bespoke work, using the flexibilities that have been built into the SSPRD contract we are able to respond to requests from our partners for study days, consultancy and practice development activity. Please come and talk to us if you need any help in developing yourself, your staff or your organisation.

Roger Watson's work on feeding evaluation in dementia recognised in international report

Alzheimer's Disease International have just published Nutrition and Dementia in which the work of Professor Roger Watson
Roger Watson
on the Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia (EdFED) scale is referred to as the most widely used instrument for the evaluation of feeding difficulty in dementia.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Faculty staff lead Cochrane review into eczema in children

Steve Ersser
Fiona Cowdell
Eric Gardiner

Steve Ersser, Fiona Cowdell and Eric Gardiner are co-authors on:

Ersser SJ, Cowdell F, Latter S, Gardiner E, Flohr C, Thompson AR, Jackson K, Farasat H,
Ware F, Drury A (2014) Psychological and educational interventions for atopic
eczema in children (Review) Cochrane Database Systematic Review 18:3 CD004054

Friday, 7 February 2014

Annual Report Introduction - Steve Ersser

Professor Steven Ersser, Dean

Welcome to the first Annual Report of the Faculty of Health & Social Care. I cannot believe that over two years have passed since my arrival at Hull. Reading this report I am proud to be Dean of a Faculty whose staff and students have excelled in research and education and have embraced transformational change to prepare us for the challenges of the future. Our staff and students have excelled in many areas and these are illustrated through a wide range of awards and appointments.
We have welcomed new members of academic staff from varied clinical, academic and professional support backgrounds, including our expanded professoriate including Professors Galvin, Hayter and Watson, all of whom contribute to the leadership of the Faculty.  Our latest addition to the senior team is Dr Carolyn Macintosh-Franklin from Liverpool, who has taken up the post of Associate Dean, Learning, Teaching & Quality.  We also welcome new Visiting Faculty, including Honorary Professor Esme Moniz-Cooke, who is an international scholar in the field of dementia research.
The Faculty has undergone a major restructure with four new Departments including two new Heads (Professors Hayter and Jomeen), these are: - the Department of Nursing; Midwifery & Child Health; Psychological Health & Wellbeing and Health Technology and Perioperative Practice. Psychological Health brings together for the first time our clinical psychologists with academic staff in the mental health and learning disability nursing fields to promote interdisciplinary opportunities. We are also delighted to welcome the integration of our colleagues on the Scarborough campus who are within the Centre for Health Care Studies, led by Jane Baxter. 
A key part of our development strategy is to look outward and engage with and learn from not only our vibrant region but also colleagues internationally. We have been developing our regional activity by working closely with our NHS partners and Health Education England to drive up standards though innovation; this has been led by Sue Beacock, our Associate Dean (External Engagement). One exciting area of curriculum development is in the area of advanced practice where health professionals such as nurses prepare to lead and develop new services, often challenging traditional health care role boundaries to promote better access to health care. 
On the national stage Dr Peter Draper has been recognised with National Teaching Fellowship by the Higher Educational Academy and Professor Watson has been invited to lead the new Lancet Commission on Nursing. Another highlight has been our strong Operating Department Practice team who have had a highly successful and commended validation of a new BSc ODP degree, one of the first in the country to prepare ODPs at degree to support the future development of perioperative care.
Further afield we have significantly expanded our international activity welcoming many students and staff that have visited and enriched our academic community. Our visits are promoting collaboration and the sharing of ideas with countries in most of the continents of the world. We recognise that health care development, research and education are global activities and the need to develop our work through examining other cultures. 
Through our new Research Development Groups we are building research teams in areas addressing key health problems, the challenge of supporting the wellbeing of those living with long-term conditions, addressing major societal challenges in the field of sexual and maternal health and investigating new approaches to embracing new health technologies and their application to the care. Our research programme is increasingly interdisciplinary. This wok has been led by our Associate Dean, Professor Julie Jomeen and our group leads.   
An illustration of our developing scholarly activity is the substantial growth in the number and quality of publications by staff; some of these are illustrated in this report. The Faculty is also proud to host the Journal of Advanced Nursing through the work of its editors Professor Watson and Hayter, which is just one of many journals the faculty is engaged with.
This is an exciting period in not only the history of the Faculty but also the University of Hull, its city and the wider region. It has just been announced that the University will be making a major investment in the ‘Health Hub’, which will involve the development of the health and medical facilities on the western campus at Hull, including of our own academic facilities, especially in our clinical skills facilities and the integration of our clinical psychology staff. We will also have an active presence within the new cross Faculty interdisciplinary research areas within the new Hull-York Medical School building.  This is an addition to the major transformation of the Brynmor-Jones library which completes its redevelopment this summer. Furthermore, as members of the city of Hull, we are delighted to be recognised as the UK City of Culture in 2017, where we will play our part in highlighting and investigating the connection between the arts and health care.
Our Faculty is trying to reach out to a wider community of health academics and health providers through our rapidly developing blog which, in its first year has had over 10,000 visits. This report complements our web and social media providing another valuable opportunity to connect with and share some of news with our partners, colleagues and supporters to offer only some illustrations of work and development. We hope it will provide additional opportunities to connect with our Faculty and offer new insights into how we are developing and playing our part in health care research and education.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported the Faculty in its work over the last few years and hope that we can continue to work together in supporting the development of health care near and far through our growing academic health care community. 

Monday, 3 February 2014

Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology to Julie Jomeen

Professor Julie Jomeen has been awarded:
Julie Jomeen

a Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology workshop grant of £1500 in collaboration with Dr Sara Kenyon at the University of Birmingham to run a research priority setting workshop to inform the Health Technology Assessment programme re priorities around perinatal mental health and childbearing women's psychological health. It will be held on 7 March 2014 at the Uninersity of Birmingham.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Publication from RCN Society of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing project

Parveen Ali
Julie Santy-Tomlinson
Roger Watson
Parveen Ali, Julie Santy-Tomlinson and Roger Watson have published:

Ali P, Santy-Tomlinson J, Watson R (2014) Assessment and diagnosis of acute limb compartment syndrome: a literature review International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing doi:10.1016/j.ijotn.2014.01.002.