Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Parveen Ali: new publication and other news

Parveen Ali has published:
Parveen Ali

Ali PA, Naylor PB (2013)  Intimate partner violence: a narrative review of the feminist, social and ecological explanations for its causation Aggression and Violent Behaviour

Parveen was also awarded status as a recognised nurse teacher by the Nursing & MIdwifery Council

Monday, 23 September 2013

Some recent publications

Judith Dyson was first author on:

'Development of a theory-based instrument to identify barriers and levers to best hand hygiene practice among healthcare practitioners' with Lawton R, Jackson C, Cheater F (2013) in Implementation Science

Nicki Morton (2013) authored: Non-invasive ventilation in COPD exacerbations' in Nursing Times 109:36 18-21

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

New publication on perinatal mental illness

Julie Jomeen
Catriona Jones
Catriona Jones

Julie Jomeen & Mark Hayter
Mark Hayter

Catriona says:

This paper, published in Midwifery, reports on the findings of a systematic review and meta-ethnography on the impact of peer support on perinatal mental illness (PMI).  PMI is now acknowledged as an important global health problem, with levels of post natal depression (PND) affecting 3-25% of new mothers.  The incidence of PND is matched by that of antenatal depression.  Several quantitative studies have attempted to measure the impact of peer support for PMI; however, this approach has provided mixed evidence of efficacy.  There isa growing number of qualitative studies on this issue; hence Julie, Mark and I recognised an urgent need to bring them together and synthesise the key messages for practice. 

This qualitative synthesis not only illustrates the positive impact that access to the right type of support can have on recovery and women’s health, it also demonstrates the powerful effects of isolation, the attitudes of others, and the harmful effects of societal views of the “good mother”.

We began work on the review in March 2012.  One member of the team was relatively new to the Faculty, and two team members were new to the process of meta-ethnography; a collection of novices you might say.  Whilst the project itself has taken approximately 18 months to complete, the 'man-hours' spent dedicated to it, from the development of the review protocol through to final corrections, probably amounts to approximately 24 - 36 hours in total.  Thus highlighting that what appears to be a long drawn out process to the individuals involved is not as lengthy as it seems!  Personally, I can say that this was a huge learning curve for me, and I was well supported by the other members of the team throughout.  It was extremely rewarding, and it demonstrates that the use of fanciful and often intimidating research language such as 'undertaking a meta-ethnography' should not put people off.  Like everything in life, you just need to know that you are part of a team, and no matter how huge the task ahead may seem, it just needs to be broken down into 'bite size' chunks. 

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

The Hull Experience

We had the privilege of hosting a visit by two third year nursing students from National University of Singapore: Mariam Zulfa Hameed Musthafa and Nurul Afiqah Bte Kamel
Afiqah (L) &Miriam
with Professor Roger Watson

Here Afiqah recounts their experience:

Mariam and I were granted the privilege of visiting the University of Hull in the summer. We had never been to the UK previously so all we knew about its healthcare system was what was related to us through books, the internet and friends. Our first-hand experience though was an eye-opener (in a good way). Patient-centred care, especially in long-term care facilities and services, isn't just something that's talked about- it's lived. We were very impressed with the investment of resources into giving patients holistic care within institutions and in their own homes. We saw how the conviction that the chronically ill should continue to lead a meaningful life was held not just by healthcare professionals, but by the community at large. It showed in the way that the community supports hospices with their resources and time. The impact of social consciousness on healthcare is admirable. I bring back these experiences empowered and I hope I can help bring changes to Singapore's healthcare landscape too.

Our visit to Hull was far from simply classes and hospital visits. We managed to see a side of the UK not many first time travellers are treated to. From the seaside to the cow-filled countryside, the staff and students in the Faculty of Health and Social care at the University of Hull gave us a taste of it all. We are very very grateful. Special thanks to Dr Jeremy Jolley for helping make our trip a smooth and merry one! 
Afiqah & Miriam with
Professsor Sally Chan
who was also visiting Hull