Thursday, 27 June 2013

Dr Peter Draper awarded national Teaching Fellowship

See news of Peter's award here:

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Students from India visit Hull

Two students from Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University, Gujerat in India visited the University of Hull for two weeks between 3-14 June 2013.  Many staff in the Faculty and in clinical practice gave up their time to welcome the students and host visits to different areas of practice.  These were the first students to visit on an exchange scheme from Sumaandeep and we will send students there in due course.  The scheme is organised by Sarah Gribbin.

Sumandeep students Ruby Roy
and Nisha Patel in Hull

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Consanguineous Marriage and Genetic Risk

Dr Parveen Ali led a workshop on Consanguineous Marriage and Genetic Risk, the session on 11 June 2013 was sub-titled Sharing of Findings and Learning and was based on Lessons learned from the Consanguineous Marriage and Genetic Risk project funded by NHS Leeds in which Dr Ali participated.  The workshop was organised by Health for All, Leeds and NHS Leeds and attended by health trainers, community development workers and community members.  For more information on the project email Parveen

Dr Parveen Ali addresses the workshop in Leeds

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Canadian visitor to the faculty

The Faculty is looking forward, this week, to welcoming Dr Amandah Hoogbruin from Canada.
Amandah Hoogbruin, RN, PhD has been using complementary and alternate therapies (CATs) such as, reiki and qi gong for more than 27 years.  As a clinician, educator, and researcher, she addresses how spirituality and traditional/indigenous healing practices including yoga and other CATs contribute to clinical evidence about healing and health. Scholarly pursuits include working with indigenous populations and/or other relevant stakeholders to promote an integral approach to health & healing in a sustainable world vis-à-vis promoting optimal healing environments; and the essential contribution of technology and informatics to create an equitable, more humane society.

Dr Hoogbruin will deliver a seminar on12 June 2013

Menopause & Hot Flashes:  Yoga to the Rescue

Nearly 60% of menopausal women seek medical attention for debilitating symptoms (i.e., fatigue, sleep impairment, emotional instability, headaches and musculoskeletal pain), and hot flashes are  the most common, and distressing symptom among post-menopausal women.  Yoga has been reported to reduce vasomotor and other menopausal symptoms, and decrease indices (i.e., sympathetic activation and obesity) and other factors that contribute to such symptoms.  The purpose of this seminar is to present current theory and evidence to substantiate the promise of yoga to rescue women who suffer from menopausal symptoms.